Some Thoughts On Power and Leadership

At some point today you were probably the most powerful person in a particular interaction. Perhaps you're the big boss (you remember what it was like to be in the room with the big boss, right?), so that would be most of the day. Some of us may hold power more intermittently - be that socially, through interactions with less experienced peers or as one part of a majority in a room (being the only gay, black or disabled person in a room is a real barrier to feeling properly safe - that is, having power).

When that's you, folk around you are much less likely to challenge you. You'll get away with stuff you might not want to get away with.

For many reasons people will pause before challenging the most powerful person in a room - to fit in, to avoid creating disharmony (we love harmony), to stay safe. When you hold the lion's share of power, the most important action you can take is to invite enough vulnerability to counteract the imbalance.

Admit you're not perfect (NSS!), invite feedback and platform those who might find it harder to speak up. By anticipating people's reticence to challenge you, you can avoid those behaviours that all of us are prone to when left unchecked - bias' that steer the ship off course.

Inclusive leadership isn't elusive. It's just about vulnerability, a bit of constructive discord, feedback and a little discomfort. In there you'll find people really start to feel like they belong.